In the midst of holiday stress? Take a moment to listen to our interview with Helen Landalf, author of the awesomely edgy new contemporary novel, Flyaway.
(Notice how we didn't suggest you sit down and listen? Ha! We know you're on the go right now, doing your holiday shopping, wrapping presents, baking cookies... so just put this podcast on your mp3 player and keep on going!)
We got to talk to Helen about setting her book in Seattle, her love of revision, and how she unwinds after writing some really intense stuff. Enjoy!
But wait-- there's more! Heather is generously offering an AUTOGRAPHED copy of Home for the Holidays to one lucky winner. Just listen to this podcast episode and leave us a comment here on this blog entry. Tell us what you love about Heather's books, the Betsy-Tacy books, or share your favorite holiday tradition! And be sure to leave your email so we can be sure to contact you if you win. Deadline for entries is Saturday, December 17. This contest is open to US and Canada residents only.
Thanks, Heather! (Told you she was absolutely lovely!)
**EDITED TO ADD: The contest is now closed. Thank you for all your entries. The winner is REBECCA! Congratulations, Rebecca. We're emailing you.**
We also want to announce that this is the inaugural episode of a new feature on our podcast: KidLit Corner. Our primary focus on this podcast is YA lit and rockin' music, but we both love children's literature, too. Avid readers as kids, now with little readers of our own, we have a soft spot for KidLit. So we thought it would be fun to feature rock star children's authors on this podcast sometimes, in addition to fabulous authors for teens. KidLit Corner will be an occasional feature of the program, and we hope you'll enjoy it as much as we do!
Thanks for listening-- please let us know what you think, and again, be sure to comment with some holiday cheer for the wonderful Heather Vogel Frederick and our featured musician, Debi Derryberry. Hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. "Baby Banana" by Debi Derryberry is our featured song for this podcast. You can learn more about where to purchase Debi's CDs over on her website.
Looking for an action-packed way to finish off 2011? Well then, Legend is the book for you! This month, we have author Marie Lu on the program to tell us all about it, as well as discuss her lifelong journey to becoming a published writer, the influence of video games and anime on her work, and more. We had so much fun chatting with Marie!
In this episode, Allison and I also share our book picks of the month - Across the Universe by Beth Revis and Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer, and we're happy to announce that Beth and Andrea will both be joining us on Authors are ROCKSTARS! in 2012. So excited!
Thanks again to Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena for being such awesome hosts and friends of the podcast. We love you guys!
Before I sign off, I wanted to let you know that we now have a CafePress shop. It's pretty simple right now, but if you want to give the gift of Authors are ROCKSTARS! swag, it's the place to go. All of the money raised goes to our prize fund to be able to do even more signed book giveaways in 2012.
Thanks again for listening! Please drop us a comment to let us know what you think of the podcast.
EDIT: Congratulations to Janina for winning our giveaway. We'll get this awesome book out in the mail to you right away.
Hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Our song of the month is Not My Home, by Kate Pffafl (now Mighty Kate). Be sure to subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! via iTunes.