Friday, June 3, 2016

Surprise! Natasha Friend joins us to talk about her novels, suicide prevention, and more.

So, this podcast has been a while in the making. Busy schedules and delays have prevented us from releasing it sooner, but we couldn't be more excited to share this fabulous interview with the even more fabulous author, Natasha Friend.

One thing we LOVE about Natasha's work is how real and honest it is. She deals with some tough issues, but it doesn't get bogged down in the gloom, just like life is always sunny skies or storms. Things change, people grow... and Natasha shares their journeys in her amazing novels.

Enough gushing... let's head to the interview, shall we? You are going to love hearing from Natasha!

Big thanks to Natasha and her publisher, Farrar, Strous, and Giroux, for this interview! Be sure to keep up with Natasha at her website.

Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. To make sure you never miss an episode, subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes.

Monday, February 29, 2016

AFSP Series - Michelle Hodkin

We did it! We ran the Star Wars Half Marathon at Disneyland last month! And thanks to your help, encouragement, and support, our fundraising team raised OVER $4,000 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Wow!! We are so humbled and honored to be able to contribute to the lifesaving work of this organization.

We had an AMAZING time running the half marathon, and the important cause we were running for made the experience all the more meaningful.

Thank you for listening to our series of podcast about suicide awareness and prevention. We're back to wrap up this series with an interview with the lovely and thoughtful Michelle Hodkin, New York Times bestselling author of the Mara Dyer books.

Here's the podcast!

Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. To make sure you never miss an episode, subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

An Interview with Jenny Torres Sanchez

We here at Authors are ROCKSTARS! are so happy to be back with another interview in our suicide prevention series-- this time, we have an interview with author Jenny Torres Sanchez. Jenny's most recent book, Death, Dickinson, and the Demented Life of Frankie Garcia, ties in with our efforts to raise awareness about suicide prevention, and we are so grateful to Jenny for taking the time to chat with us!

Visit Jenny's website to keep up with this amazing author while we all eagerly await her next book!
If you'd like to donate to our fundraiser for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, there's still time! Our donation link is right here. Thank you!

Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. To make sure you never miss an episode, subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

An interview with Jessica Van der Stad of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

It's time...

WE ARE OFFICIALLY BACK IN ACTION. :D So excited to bring you our first podcast in 2015, an interview with Jessica Van der Stad of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Yes, we know, she's not an author, but she is a ROCKSTAR. So we are giving ourselves permission to stray from our usual format, and we hope you'll come along for the ride! As we mentioned in our previous post, we are running the Star Wars Half Marathon as part of Team AFSP. Raising awareness and funds for an important cause doesn't happen by itself-- Jessica is the wonderful woman who makes it happen.

In addition to meeting Jessica and hearing about the lifesaving work of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, you'll get to find out what we've been up to over the past few months too... LOTS of big life changes!

Without further ado, let's get to the show!

Thank you so much again, Jessica!

And listeners, we are going to be putting up a handful of signed books up for auction on eBay very soon to continue our fundraising efforts for AFSP. Stay tuned for the link! Authors featured include Cassandra Clare (including a super rare ARC!), Beth Revis, Francesca Lia Block, and more.

EDIT: The auctions are now eBay. Come follow this link to bid!

Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Michelle edited this episode. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

We're baaaaaack.

This is so exciting you guys. You see that? That's Allison and I TOGETHER AGAIN. Despite thousands of miles between us, we're coming back. We miss you. We miss talking about books. We're kicking off our re-launch with some special interviews on a topic that is important to us - mental health and suicide prevention.

So what's the story? Allison and I both started running last year and decided that we'd like to do a race together at Disneyland and do it for a good cause. We decided to run for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, a cause that is very important to both of us. It was so much fun to raise money for an organization doing such amazing and important work. We had a blast representing AFSP at the Tinkerbell 10k event in May (pictured here along with our friend Estelle).

We loved it so much that we're doing it again! And this time, we want to get YOU, our listeners, involved. So, when Allison came to Seattle this past weekend, we hit the booth! We were a little rusty, as you can hear here.

We are really looking forward to sharing some special interviews with you in the coming months. We are also putting together a signed book auction with all proceeds going to AFSP. So keep an eye on the blog because WE... ARE... BAAAACK.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ann Stampler: Our Farewell Episode

Hey everyone. This is a hard post to write. After we produced this episode, Allison and I decided that it was time for us to hang up our mics. Now that we live on opposite ends of the West Coast, it has just become a challenge to put these podcasts together. We have had SO much fun doing this, but we don't want to provide you with an interview that is subpar. What can I say? We're perfectionists.

We've both got a lot going on outside of the podcast-- our families, for one thing, but also our careers. I'd be honored if you kept up with my voiceover adventures on my Facebook page. Allison is keeping her plate full as the manager for YALSA's YA lit blog, The Hub. And, of course, you can always find us on Twitter at @IHeartYourBook and @alli_librarian. We really appreciate you listening to us over the years, and would love to keep those connections going.

And although we're hanging up our mics right now, neither of us have been willing to say it's forever, so you never know when we might pop up again with a surprise author interview or some other project. We're keeping the door open.

So, today we say goodbye for now via this post and share with you a final episode with the fabulous Ann Stampler, author of Where It Began and Afterparty.

Want to download this podcast? Click here for a mp3 or find us on iTunes.

Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. 

--> Thank you everyone - our engineer Marc, authors, publishers, publicists and most of all, our listeners, for making the past few years a fabulous adventure. We have loved every minute of it.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Sarah J. Maas: Thanksgiving (belated) Podcast

Thanksgiving has just passed, and this month on Authors are ROCKSTARS!, we were thankful for an awesome interview with New York Times bestselling author, Sarah J. Maas! If you're a regular listener, you know we love fantasy here on the podcast, and Sarah's books are just our cup of tea.

Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes!

Visit Sarah's website to keep up with this amazing author, and be sure to stop by her publisher, Bloomsbury.

Extra special shout out this month to our awesome editor Marc who had his work cut out for him due to some Skype issues. :) You rock, Marc!

Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. To make sure you never miss an episode, subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes.

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